Key: HP = High Punch BL=Block HK=High Kick
LP = Low Punch R=Run LK=Low Kick
U=Up D=Down
F=Forward B=Backward
Noob Saibot
Spinning Skull: D, F, LP
Teleport Slam: D, U
Shadow Throw: F, F, HP
Fatality 1: B, B, F, F, HK (sweep) Noob levitates the victim, spins them
with a fireball, bones fly out.
Fatality 2: D, D, U, Run (close) Noob does multiple Teleport Slams, causing
the victim to explode.
Animality: B, F, B, F, HK (close)
Anteater Friendship: F, F, B, HP
Bowling ball Babality: D, F, F, F, LP Pit: D, F, BL
Brutality: HP, LK, LP, BL, LK, HK, HP, LP, BL, LK, HK
Spark: D, B, HP
Slicer: B, B, B, LP
Blade Spin: F, D, F, BL (Tap BL to keep spinning)
Blade Swipe: B+HP Fatality 1: B, B, B, HP (sweep) Baraka slices the
victim's head off.
Fatality 2: B, F, D, F, LP (sweep) Baraka stabs his blades through the
victim's stomach and lifts them off the ground.
Animality: Hold HP, F, B, D, F, release HP (sweep)
Vulture Friendship: D, F, F, HK Baraka produces a gift from behind his
Babality: F, F, F, HK Pit: Hold BL, LK, Run, Run, Run, Run, release BL
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, LP, LP, BL, HK, HK, LK, LK, BL
Net Capture: B, B, B, LK
Exploding Teleport: F, D, BL
Long Bomb: Hold LK, F, F, HK
Short Bomb: Hold LK, B, B, HK
Air throw: (only when opponent is airborne) D, F, BL, LP when close to
Fatality 1: D, D, U, D, HP (anywhere) Cyrax spins his head around like a
helicopter blade, and chops the victim to shreds.
Fatality 2: D, D, F, U, Run (close) Cyrax actives self-destruct, explodes,
and destroys both fighters.
Animality: U, U, D, D (close) Shark Friendship: Run, Run, Run, U Cyrax
Babality: F, F, B, HP Pit: Run, BL, Run
Brutality: HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, LK, LP
Rings: D, F, LP
Bicycle Kick: B, B, D, LK
Square Wave Punch: F, B, HP Leg Grab: D+LP+BL
Fatality 1: B, F, D, D, Run (sweep or further) Sonya blows a kiss of fire
that burns the victim to the ground
Fatality 2: Hold BL+Run, U, U, B, D (½ screen or further) A purple
surrounds the victim, crushing them.
Animality: Hold LP, B, F, D, F, Release LP (close)
Hawk Friendship: B, F, B, D, Run Flowers grow.
Babality: D, D, F, LK Pit: F, F, D, HP
Brutality: HP, LK, BL, HP, LK, BL, HP, BL, HK,
Lightning Bolt: D, F, LP
Reverse Lightning Bolt: D, B, LP
Torpedo Dive: (can be done in air) B, B, F
Shocker: Hold HP Teleport: D, U
Fatality 1: Hold HP for 6 sec, release HP (close) Raiden uppercuts the
victim, causing them to explode.
Fatality 2: Hold LK 3 sec, release LK, tap BL+LK rapidly (close) Raiden
charges the victim full of electricity, causing them to explode.
Animality: D, F, D, HK (outside sweep)
Electric Eel Friendship: D, B, F, HK
Kid Thunder! Babality: D, D, U, HK Pit: D, D, D, HP
Brutality: HP, HP, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, BL, BL
MK1 Raiden
Lightning Bolt: D, F, LP
Torpedo Dive: (can be done in air) B, B, F
Teleport: D, U Fatality: F, B, B, B, HP (sweep) Raiden shoots electricity
into the victim's head, causing it to explode.
Babality: U, U, D, HK Pit: D, D, F, HK
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, HP, BL, BL, HK, HK, HK, BL, LP, HP, HP
Control Ball: D, F, HP Lightning: B, B, HP
Teleport Kick: B+HK Fatality 1: F, F, D+HP (close) Rain uppercuts the
victim, they split into pieces, fly off the top of the screen, then come
back down in reverse order, flipping the opponent around.
Fatality 2: D, D, B, F, HK (outside sweep) Lighting bolts from the sky
charge up the victim, causing him to detonate.
Animality: BL, BL, Run, Run, BL (sweep)
Elephant Friendship: D, F, F, F, LP
Rainmaker Babality: F, B, B, HP Pit: (?)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, LK, HK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP
Johnny Cage
Low Fireball: D, F, LP
High Fireball: F, D, B, HP
Shadow Kick: B, F, LK
Red Shadow Kick: B, B, F, HK
Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP
Fatality 1: D, D, F, F, LP (close) Johnny uppercuts the victim's head off.
Fatality 2: D, D, F, F, LK (close) Johnny picks the opponent up, breaking
them over his back. They explode.
Animality: D, F, F, HK (inside sweep)
Kangaroo Friendship: D, D, D, LK
Autograph Babality: D, F, B, B, HK Pit: D, B, F, F, HK
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport: D, B, HP
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Flying Elbow: D, F, HP
Fatality 1: D, D, U, HK (sweep) Scorpion reveals his skull head, breathes
fire, causing the victim to burn to the ground.
Fatality 2: F, F, F, B, LP (sweep) A fiery, skeletal hand rises out of the
ground, grabbing the victim and dragging him under.
Animality: F, U, U, HK (close)
Penguin Friendship: B, F, F, B, LK
Skull In The Box Babality: D, B, B, F, HP
Pit: F, U, U, LP
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP
Sub Zero
Center ice shower: D, F, HP
Front ice shower: D, F, B, HP
Back ice shower: D, B, F, HP
Ice Clone: D, B, LP
Freeze: D, F, LP
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Fatality 1: B, B, D, B, Run (sweep) Sub Zero breathes icy fog, causing the
victim to freeze, fall backwards, and shatter.
Fatality 2: BL, BL, Run, BL, Run (close) Sub Zero picks the opponent up,
freezes them, and breaks the body over his knee.
Animality: F, U, U (close)
Polar Bear Friendship: LK, Run, Run, U
Snowman Babality: D, B, B, HK Pit: B, D, F, F, HK
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP
Classic Sub Zero
Freeze: D, F, LP
Ground Freeze: D, B, LK Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Fatality 1: D, D, D, F, HP (close) Sub grabs the head of the victim, begins
to pull, and the screen fades to black. Screaming ensues.
Fatality 2: D, F, F, F, HP (close) Sub hits the opponent into the air,
creates an icicle on the ground, which impales the victim.
Animality: None? Babality: D, B, B, HK
Friendship: (?) Snowman In The Box Pit: F, D, F, F, HP
Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BK, LK, LK, HK, HK, HK, LP, HP, LP
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport Punch: (can be done in air) F, F, LK
Air Throw: BL (in air) Invisibility: U, U, Run
Fatality 1: U, U, F, D (across screen) Smoke drops tons of bombs, causing
the planet to explode.
Fatality 2: Hold BL+Run, D, D, F, U (sweep) Smoke feeds the victim a bomb.
They explode.
Animality: D, F, F, BL (¾ screen or further)
Bull Friendship: Run, Run, Run, HK Horn Babality: D, D, B, B, HK Pit: F, D,
Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HP, BL, BL
Human Smoke
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport: D, B, HP
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Inviso Possession: F, F, B, Run (anywhere) Smoke turns invisible and the
opponent begins to pulse, finally exploding.
Teleporting Smash: Run, BL, Run, Run, HK (½ screen) Smoke teleports,
punching the victim's head, causing it to explode.
Animality: F, F, F, B, HK (inside sweep)
Porcupine Friendship: D, F, F, F, Run
No Smoking Sign Babality: D, B, B, F, Run
Pit: F, U, U, LP
Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HP, BL
Slow Forceball: B, B, HP+LP
Fast Forceball: F, F, HP+LP
Acid Spit: F, F, HP
Invisibility: U, U, D, HK
Run Around: B, F, LK Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Fatality 1: B, F, D, BL (jump distance) Reptile takes his mask off, and
uses his tongue to rip the opponent apart.
Fatality 2: F, F, U, U, HK (sweep) Reptile spits acid on the victim,
melting him.
Animality: D, D, D, U, HK
Monkey Friendship: D, F, F, B, HK
Snake In The Box Babality: F, F, B, D, LK Pit: BL, Run, BL, BL
Brutality: HP, BL, HK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, LK, BL, BL+LP
Single Missile: B, F, HP
Double Missiles: F, F, B, B, HP
Streaking Punch: F, F, HK
Gotcha Punch: F, F, LP
Ground Smash: Charge LK
Quad Slam: After throw tap HP
Stomp: Run, BL, Run, Run, LK (far) Jax grows off the screen, and a giant
boot crushes the victim.
Slicer: (BL) U, D, F, U (close)
Animality: Hold LP, F, F, D, F, Release LP (close)
Lion Friendship: LK, Run, Run, LK
Jump Rope Babality: D, D, D, LK Pit: D, F, D, LP
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP
MK2 Jax
Sonic Wave: F, D, B, HK
Air Sonic Wave: U, F, D, HK (in air)
Gotcha Grab: F, F, LP
Ground Smash: Hold LK 3 sec release Quad Slam: After throw repeatedly tap
HP Backbreaker: BL (in air with opponent)
Fatality: Hold LP, F, F, F, release LP (close) Jax claps his hands around
the victim's head, causing it to explode.
Friendship: D, D, U, U, LK
Paper Dolls Babality: D, U, D, U, LK Pit: U, U, D, LK
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP, HP, HP, BL, L
Missile: F, F, LP
Double Missiles: B, B, F, LP
Heat seeker missile: F, D, B, HP
Teleport: (can be done in air) F, F, LK
Fatality 1: LP, Run, Run, BL (sweep) A clamp comes out of Sektor's chest,
crushing his opponent.
Fatality 2: F, F, F, B, BL (½ screen) Sektor shoots flames out of his
wrist, burning the victim up.
Animality: F, F, D, U (close) Bat Friendship: Run, Run, Run, D
Test Your Strength Babality: B, D, D, D, HK Pit: Run, Run, Run, D
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP
Liu Kang
Low Fireball: F, F, LP
High Fireball: (can be done in air) F, F, HP
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 sec
Red Bicycle Kick: Hold LK, B, F, release Fire
Meditation: F, F, D, D, LK (sweep)
MK1 Machine Drop: F, F, F, B, BL (½ screen) Animality: D, U, U (close)
Dragon Friendship: Run, Run, Run, D+Run
Shadow Puppets Babality: D, D, D, HK Pit: Run, BL, BL, HK
Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BL, LK, HK, HK, LK, HK, LP, HP
High Boomerang: B, F, HP
Middle Boomerang: B, F, LP
Low Boomerang: B, F, LK
Returning Boomerang: B, B, F, LP
Projectile Invincibility: B - F - HK
Shadow Kick: D, F, LK
Stomach Shake: U, U, D, F, HP (close)
Uppercut Stab: Run, Run, Run, BL, Run (close)
Animality: F, D, F, F, LK
Cat Friendship: B, D, B, B, HK
Pogo Stick Babality: D, D, F, D, HK Pit: B, F, D, Run
Brutality: HP, LK, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, BL, HP, HK
Teleport Stomp: D, U
Mega Stomp: B, D, B,
HK Fireball: D, F, HP
Ground Pound: F, D, D, F, LP (close)
Skin Rip: Hold HK, B, F, F, release
HK (close) Animality: Run, BL, BL, BL, BL (close)
Scorpion Friendship: F, F, D, F, HP
Plate Spin Babality: D, D, D, B, HK
Pit: D, F, D, F, LP
Brutality: HP, LP, BL, LK, HK, BL, HK, LK, BL, LP, HP
Kung Lao
Hat Throw: B, F, LP
Teleport: D, U
Double Teleport: D, D, U
Dive Kick: D+HK (in air)
Spinning Lao : F, D, F, Run, Run, Run
Spin Cycle: Run, BL, Run, BL, D (away)
Hat Slice: F, F, B, D, HP (close)
Animality: Run, Run, Run, Run, BL (close)
Cheetah Friendship: Run, LP, Run, LK (over sweep)
Fetch Babality: D, F, F, HP Pit: D, D, F, F, LK
Brutality: HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP
MK2 Kung Lao
Hat Throw: B, F, LP
Teleport: D, U
Dive Kick: D+HK (in air)
Spinning Lao : U, U, LK
Torpedo Dive: B, B, F
Fatality: Hold LP, B, F, release then aim for the neck (across screen) Kung
Lao throws his hat, decapitating his victim.
Friendship: B, B, B, D, HK
Rabbit Pull Babality: F, F, B, B, HK Pit: F, F, F, HP
Brutality: HP, LP, HK, HK, LP, LP, LP, LK, LK, BL, HP
Ax Uppercut: D, F, HP
Arrow: D, B, LP
Shield Aura: B, B, B, HK
Shoulder Slam: F, F, LK
Red Shoulder Slam: B, B, F, HK
Moonlight Death: U, U, B, F, BL (close)
Lighting Fry: B, B, D, HP (half screen)
Animality: F, F, D, D (close)
Wolf Friendship: Run, Run, Run, D
Raiden Transformation Babality: F, B, F, B, LP Pit: Run, Run, BL
Brutality: HP, HP, HK, LK, LK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HK
Fireball: F, F, LP
Double Fireball: B, B, F, LP
Air Fireball: D, F, LK
Scream Pull: F, F, F, HP
Fly: B, B, F, HK
Scream: Run, BL, BL, Run+BL (close)
Hair swirly: Run, Run, BL, Run, BL (sweep)
Animality: F, F, U, HP (sweep)
Wasp Friendship: Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, U
Field Goal Kick Babality: Run, Run, Run, U
Pit: D, D, D, LP
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HK, LK, BL, LP
Fireball: D, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP
Telekinetic Slam: B, D, B, HK
Slam Massacre: D, U, D, D, D, BL (sweep)
Decapitation: Run, BL, Run, Run, HK
(close) Animality: (?) (?)
Frog Friendship: F, F, F, HP
Rabbit Transformation Babality: D, D, F, D, HK
Pit: Run, BL, Run, Run, LK
Brutality: HP, HP, LP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK
High Grenade: D, B, HP
Two High Grenades: F, D, B, HP
Low Grenade: D, B, HP
Two Low Grenades: F, D, B, HP
Riot club throw: F, F, HK
Riot club trip: F, B, LP Gun: B, F, HP
Fatality 1: D, F, D, F, BL (close) Stryker straps dynamite to the victim's
body. They explode.
Fatality 2: F, F, F, LK (full screen) Stryker busts out his tazer and fries
the victim.
Animality: Run, Run, Run, BL (sweep)
Dinosaur Friendship: LP, Run, Run, LP
Crossing Guard Babality: D, F, F, B, HP Pit: F, U, U, HK
Brutality: HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK
Fireball: B, B, HP (also in air)
Tornado Spin: B, F, LK
Ground Razor: B, B, B, Run
Float: D, D, B, F, BL (outside sweep)
Scream: Run, BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
Animality: (HP) F, F, D, F (close)
Dino Skeleton Friendship: Run, LK, Run, Run, U
Marshmallow Cookout Babality: Run, Run, LK Pit: BL, BL, HK
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, HP, LP
Fan Lift: B, B, B, HP
Fan Throw: F, F, HP+LP
Square Wave Punch: F, D, B, HP
Kiss of Death: Run, Run, BL, BL, LK
(close) Head Slice: B, D, F, F, HK
(close) Animality: D, D, D, D, Run
(inside sweep) Friendship: D, B, F, F, LP
Babality: F, F, D, F, HK Pit: F, D, D, LK
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, BL, LK, BL, LP, BL, HP, BL
Knife Throw: D, B, HP
Knife Uppercut: D, F, HP
Grab & Shake: B, D, F, LP
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Cannonball: Hold LK 3 sec, Release
Upwards Cannonball: F, D, F, HK
Psycho Cannonball: F, D, F, LK
Skeleton Grab: Hold LP, F, D, D, F, Release LP
(close) Eye Lazer: LP, BL, BL, HK (sweep)
Animality: Hold HP BL, BL, BL, Release HP
(close) Friendship: LK, Run, Run, HK
Bubblegum Babality: F, F, D, D, LK Pit: U, U, B, LK
Brutality: HP, LP, BL, HP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HK, LK
MK1 Kano
Knife Throw: Hold BL, B, F
Flying Cannonball:
Clockwise Circle Spinning Blades: B, F, HP (tap HP to keep it going)
Heart Ripper: B, D, F, LP Babality: B, B, D, D, LK Pit: B, F, F, BL
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP
Shang Tsung
Volcanic Eruption: F, B, B, LK
Fireball: B, B, HP
Two Fireballs: B, B, F, HP
Three Fireballs: B, B, F, F, HP
Kitana: F, D, F, Run
Reptile: Run, BL, BL, HK
Sonya: D+Run+LP+BL Jax: F, F, D, LP
Nightwolf: U, U
Jade: F, F, D, D, BL
Scorpion: D, D, F, LP Kano: B, F+BL
Ermac: D, D, U
Mileena: Run, BL, HK
Johnny Cage: B, B, D, LP
Baraka: D, D, LK
Raiden: D, B, F, LK
Raiden (MK1): B, B, F, Run
Rain: Run, BL, LK (fast)
Kano (MK1): Hold BL B, D, F, U, Release BL
Jax (MK2): D, F, B, HK
Classic Sub Zero: BL, BL, Run, Run
Sub-Zero: F, D, F, HP Sektor: D, F, B, Run
Sindel: B, D, B, LK
Stryker: F, F, HK
Cyrax: BL, BL, BL
Kung Lao: Run, Run, BL, Run
Kabal: LP, BL, HK
Sheeva: Hold LK, F, D, F, Release LK
Liu Kang: Counter Clockwise Circle
Kung Lao (MK2): B, D, B, HK
Robotic Smoke: F, F, LP
Goro: B, B, B, LP
Shao Kahn: B, F, HK
Motaro: F, D, B, HP
Kintaro: Hold LP, 3 sec release Fatality 1: Hold LP, D, F, F, D, Release
(close) Shang makes spikes pop out of the ground, and tosses the victim on
them. Fatality 2: Hold LP, Run, BL, Run, BL, Release LP (close) Shang
levitates the victim, and sucks the life out of him. Animality: Hold HP,
Run, Run, Run, Release HP (sweep) Snake Friendship: LK, Run, Run, D Joust
Rider Babality: Run, Run, Run, LK Pit: U, U, B, LP Brutality: HP, BL, BL,
Sai Shot: Hold HP, release
Teleport Kick: F, F, LK
Ground Roll: B, B, D, HK
Nail Spitter: B, B, B, F, LK (screen)
Eat and Spit: D, F, D, F, LP (close)
Animality: F, D, D, F, HK
Skunk Friendship: D, D, B, F, HP (close)
Mirror Break Babality: D, D, F, F, HP Pit: D, D, D, LP
Brutality: HP, LP, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK, LK, HK, BL, HP
Grab Punch: F, F, HP
Teleport: D, U
Fireball: F, D, B, HP
Growl: D, D, LK
Spinner: B, B, F, HK
Fireball: B, B, B, LP
Chest Pound: F, F, HP
Shao Kahn
Hammer: B, F, HP
Fireball: B, B, F, LP
Knee Thrust: D, F, HP
Shadow Charge: D, F, LP
Grab Attack: F, F, HP
Taunt: D, D, LK
Laugh: D, D, HK
Growl: D, D, LK
Fireball: B, B, F, HP
Teleport Stomp: D, U
How to get 4 of the 5 secret characters
Highlight either Jax, Kano, Rayden or Kung Lao with player 2, and press X.
these characters with change to the way they were in previous MK's.